Monday, January 14, 2008

Hey Everybody...

I am now ready to get this blog rollin'!!! I'll be posting thoughts i have regarding THEOLOGY (the study of God), i'll also be posting pictures/concepts as I progress in my new hobby PHOTOGRAPHY, I'll be posting REFLECTIONS on various ideas/situations life throws my way - both positive and negative, and also some random GESTURES aka things that make me laugh and intrigue me either in a good or bad way. Look for posts very soon!!! I'm excited to see what this blog turns in to and what it will do for me along with others. This whole blog concept is new to me and it'll be cool to see what a blog really is as I write and share my own thoughts along with reading other's blogs...i'll leave you with some of my recent photography...until next time....
Best Teriyaki

P.S. This place is seriously called "Best Teriyaki"...and i can't disagree...some of the best teriyaki I have ever had. Best Teriyaki is a favorite of my freind Talon and I to have Bible study together. They have this deal where you get a BIG bowl of teriyaki chicken, vegetables, rice and a soda for 4.99! Can't beat that deal... check it out: DIRECTIONS

This picture was inspired by an artist by the name of moaan check out his work. It was also taken with my new Canon EF 50 f/1.4. i'm lovin' this lense!!! Enjoy this picture...there will be much more to come...


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